Ti Parol (Ce qui est dit)
Notre équipe
"Thank you Professor Ledbetter for opening up the truths of the book of Ephesians to our class. What a wonderful thing to know that God is actually working on us and equiping us for His service."
Fresnel Auguste
Bradenton, FL
"Pastor Odman has taught us how to prepare and preach. I never thought I could ever do that. Speaking in front of a lot of people terrified me. But he helped us recognize that all good leaders overcome their fears."
Justin Piere
Sarasota, FL
"M kontan ke mwe te jouin lekol sa. Le'm li Bib la gen kek foi m pa kompran ki sa m'ap li, men Paste Odman et lot profese yo fe'm apran anpil. M' kontan lekol la isit na zon la."
Caleb Orelius
Bradenton, FL
"What I've learned at FOUYEbib Leadership School has helped me in my preparation for teaching the kids in my Sunday School class. Before I attended the school I didn't have a clue about what I needed to do. I have learned so much. Thank you for making it possible for me to attend on my own schedule."
Claire Ainville
St. Petersburg, FL
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" Au cours de la dernière année et demie, j'ai tellement appris sur ma foi et la Parole de Dieu. Le pasteur Odman m'a fait réfléchir et m'a aidé à découvrir une relation plus profonde avec Dieu. Mon pasteur me considère maintenant comme l'un des leaders clés de notre jeunesse. Je ne peux pas en dire assez sur combien j'ai grandi.
Wilner Saint-Just
26 janvier 2015
Forum des pasteurs
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Événements de l'église communautaire
Feb 06, 2016
7:00 PM
Concert: Revelation Mizik
First Baptist Church of the Redeemer
Feb 28, 2023
12:00 PM
This is Your Second Event
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May 28, 2023
12:00 PM
This is Your Third Event
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Faisons Relier
FOUYEbib Leadership School, et
Tabernacle d'action de grâce au Seigneur (TTL)
2008 43e Avenue Ouest
Bradenton, Floride 34205
Tél. : 941-554-7701